Joy of Being was built with such care and good intention that you can feel a huge wave of love when you walk through the doors. There is an amazing group of healers and teachers who all have dedicated their lives to making the world better and life more full. Whether you are looking for a massage, a yoga class, an experience of Quantum healing, (just a few of the things offered here) will be gently guided to a deeper alignment and connection with yourself and with the truth of the universe. I highly recommend Joy of Being for anyone and everyone!
— JA

My intention is to reawaken community experience as essential to human evolution and collective healing. I provide individual care as well as four transformational programs to support liberation, embodiment, wholeness and the experience of joy. As we each realize our truth through connection with self and all of life, we begin to have a positive impact on our world.

"KULA…is your greatest connection to Grace. We remind each other of it. When we come together in kula and stay connected and plugged into that source, we inspire each other. When we're all doing it, we lift each other up." ~ paraphrased from Elena Brower

"KULA is the Sanskrit word for Community -- an expression of the way relationships nest inside of relationships; the center of being; the heart of reality -- wherever it is we place our hearts, the company we choose to keep, the choice of community we make."  ~ Douglas Brook

I have just moved to Half Moon Bay and already feel like I have a community at Joy of Being. Jane does an amazing job of creating a safe space, making you feel welcome and creating a variety of amazing healing offerings. I have taken an amazing intuitive painting class there, an african drum and dance workshop, yoga classes and I also receive shamanic healing and massage from Jane. In addition to running a wonderful studio, Jane is a very talented healer. Joy of Being is my one stop shop for community and healing!
— MR